Ester Rebel: Artist's Statement.
I am a German artist based in Berlin. I am a painter from an artists family and I always knew that I would follow in my father's footsteps somehow.
I have been drawing and painting since I was a little child and some of my first memories are of big colorful paintings and the smell of oilcolors and turpentine.
I am a big rock music addict, and my interest is to transfer that spirit on canvas, not with notes but with colors. Rock used to exist in music and so it does in painting.
I am committed to figurative painting in the tradition of American Pop Art and prefer luminous and vivid colors.
I have also a strong affinity to the mystical.
Some artists that have deeply inspired me are the Pre-Raphaelites, William Blake, Jugendstil, Georgia O' Keeffe, the German Expressionists, Edvard Munch, Sylvia Plath, Vali Myers, the Beat Poets, Andy Warhol.
Wolf Wonder: Artist's Manifest.
Intuition, coincidence and emotion contra logic, planning and reason.
That is the eternal hopeless conflict of man against himself,
whose victory always means the loss of humanness and reality.
A synthesis of these incompatible seeming experiences realised in artistic creativity increases the perception and changes the sense of awareness.
The artist sporadically receives true insight into reality.
He is now himself able to make his own new, revolutionary contributions towards the creative design and completion of this world.
This quest for the divine, unknown aim in my work is the constant motivation and endless source of my artistic process.
Man and his shape are the gauge of my painting.
My delight in straight forward, clear shapes and colors define the kind of artistic works. I loathe everything vague, misty and blurred.
Paintings are not drugs but ways into reality.
If the artist in his passion and devotion is able to arouse and stir his spectators, he has fulfilled his cause.